10 Awesome Horror Monsters You’ve Never Heard Of

6. The Stuff - The Stuff

No One Gets Out Alive
New World Pictures

In the right hands, the silliest monster can be incredible. Nobody thought a tadpole could be terrifying until they saw The Host. A singing plant from space sounds dumb on paper, but Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors has become an icon. As crazy as it sounds, The Last of Us made mushrooms absolutely petrifying.

Having said that, The Stuff was a tough pitch, since it revolves around killer yoghurt. But the sci-fi horror-comedy is more clever than it sounds.

The film opens with the whole world obsessing over a new dessert called The Stuff, unaware it's a parasitic lifeform that mind-controls its consumers. Anyone who eats the delectable dish develops an overpowering impulse to eat more, allowing The Stuff to brainwash them sooner.

Not only is this a creative tactic to seize control over humanity, The Stuff is a deadly adversary, since it has no obvious weak point. (Seriously, how do you kill yoghurt?) The film has some surprisingly impressive special effects, especially during the scenes where The Stuff moves around or devours its hosts from the inside-out.

It may not be a masterpiece, but The Stuff must be commended for making a dumb idea work so well.

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