10 Awesome Horror Monsters You’ve Never Heard Of

5. Grabbers - Grabbers

No One Gets Out Alive

In Grabbers, inhabitants of the Aran Islands discover the area has been invaded by aquatic aliens with a craving for human flesh. When the locals discover the extra-terrestrials are allergic to alcohol, they realise the only way to survive is to get drunk. This solution in itself creates a dilemma, since the people find it tricky to coordinate an attack while being completely hammered.

Because of the silly premise, it's obvious Grabbers doesn't take itself too seriously. As a result, it wouldn't be surprising if the filmmakers put little effort into the critters' design (especially with the film's shoe-string budget.)

But not only do the blood-sucking cephalopods look fantastic, they're genuinely menacing. With the body of an octopus and the mouth of a leech, these space molluscs look like the stuff nightmares are made of.

Even though the grabbers could've been depicted as a mere punchline, the movie makes them come across as a very real threat - they'd fit right in at home in a more serious horror flick.

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