10 Awesome Horror Movie Moments That Make No Sense

7. Tatum Gets Stuck In The Catflap - Scream

Freddy Krueger Nightmare On Elm Street
Dimension Films

Tatum Riley's (Rose McGowan) death in the original Scream remains one of the series' most iconic. 

After being attacked by Ghostface in Stu's (Matthew Lillard) garage, Tatum knocks the killer down and attempts to flee through the garage's cat flap, only to find herself unable to squeeze through.

As she's stuck in the cat flap, Ghostface then raises the garage door, crushing her to death. It's a great scene, albeit one whose blatant artifice has been joked about ever since release.

As Tatum struggles while caught in the cat flap, it's incredibly clear that actress Rose McGowan could definitely fit her slender frame through it. Even though director Wes Craven edits the scene to try and conceal this fact, it's hilariously obvious.

As it turns out, this was actually something of an on-set problem that the crew only discovered once filming began. McGowan kept slipping through the cat flap, and so they had to staple her shirt to the flap to combat this.

It doesn't really paper over how little sense Tatum's death makes, but it's still an all-timer horror death scene all the same.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.