10 Awesome Horror Movie Moments That Make No Sense

6. McCulloch Gets Toxic Wasted - Friday The 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan

Freddy Krueger Nightmare On Elm Street

It's no secret that the Friday the 13th franchise basically got more cartoonishly ridiculous with each subsequent sequel, and this extended to Jason Voorhees' outrageous ability to basically teleport between locations in order to catch his victims by surprise.

And this reached a self-parodying peak in one of the best scenes from the generally execrable Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan. 

Late in the movie, pompous windbag biology teacher Charles McCulloch (Peter Mark Richman) runs away from Jason (Kane Hodder) and seeks refuge in a building, only to be near-instantly defenestrated from the top window by Jason, who has somehow beaten him to the building.

And though we see Jason staring as McCulloch from the top window afterwards, no more than four seconds later Jason has made it outside and stands by a fallen McCulloch. 

To top it off, he then dunks him head-first into a vat of toxic waste which just so happens to be laying around the New York City streets.

It's a suitably brutal kill for a real a**hole, even if the filmmakers don't even try to conceal how absurdly quickly Jason is able to move around. It's far from the movie's biggest problem, but it is total nonsense.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.