10 Awesome Horror Movies Set In The Future That You've NEVER Seen

They take place tomorrow, but they're still good today.

antiviral film
Alliance Films

One of the great things about movies is that they can explore ideas that are not possible in real life, and one concept that cinema has been obsessed with since the very beginning is what the future might look like.

Whether just a few years or several millennia down the line, there have been countless interpretations of what our future might look like, and whilst some visions show flying cars and shiny robots, others are a lot more terrifying. Horror history is full of examples of pictures set in a time beyond our own, from Alien to Event Horizon to I Am Legend, but the following ten petrifying premonitions don't get talked about nearly enough - which is a shame considering how great they are.

Some of them are set in an unspecified future to illustrate a point about the dark path humanity is going down, whilst others make incredibly bold predictions by fixing their stories to a certain year. Regardless of when they take place, none of these futures are particularly pleasant, so everybody keep their fingers crossed that these works of fiction never become fact.

10. Blood Car

antiviral film
TLA Releasing

If you like movies with really literal titles, you’re gonna love director Alex Orr’s 2007 dark comedy Blood Car. 

Set in a future where gasoline prices are exorbitantly high (which might not be too far away, the way things are going in real life), people are frantically searching for a new source of power. Kindergarten teacher Archie Andrews (Mike Brune) is one of those people, and he makes a discovery that will change the world forever. 

Archie builds a car that runs efficiently without using fossil fuels. There’s just one problem: it runs on human blood instead. 

The movie then plays out with Archie attempting to justify his creation while keeping his tank full of the red stuff. It’s like Little Shop of Horrors, only with a combustion engine taking the role of a talking plant. 

Blood Car was made on a budget of just $25,000, so don’t go in expecting any top of the range special effects. Instead, expect some grimly funny scenes, biting satire of the modern world, and a man slowly descending into criminality just to keep himself on the road.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.