10 Awesome Horror Movies That Make No Sense Whatsoever

8. Mandy

house 1977
XYZ Films

Without a Barry Manilow song in sight, 2018's Mandy stars Nicolas Cage as a reclusive alcoholic and Andrea Riseborough as his artist girlfriend.

In principal, Mandy is a very simple revenge thriller. Riseborough's character is tortured and murdered by a demonic biker gang and it's up to Cage to avenge his fallen love. Pretty simple, right?

It is, until you realise that this gang also enjoys a particularly potent strain of LSD.

Cue hallucinations aplenty as a drugged-up Cage battles with the evil hog riders, who also happen to be cannibals. Oh, and there's the small matter of the devil-worshipping cult who hired the gang in the first place. Just in case things weren't weird enough already.

Despite sounding madder than twenty boxes of frogs, Mandy scored very favourably amongst fans and critics alike. Many praised Cage's central performance, as well as the gory violence and emotional undertone to the piece.

One reviewer even likened director Panos Cosmatos to Stanley Kubrick and David Lynch. As you'll learn later on in this list, that's a good comparison to have.

Mandy - the film that proves that its okay to take drugs, just as long as you're Nic Cage.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.