10 Awesome Horror Movies That Make No Sense Whatsoever

3. Rubber

house 1977
UFO Distribution

Horror movies have had some strange antagonists over the years, but perhaps none are weirder than the living car tyre with psychic powers than runs amok in 2010's Rubber.

Or should that be rolls amok?

Before Robert - yes, the tyre is called Robert - even shows up, things get wacky. The film actually starts on a group of people watching a film. They are given binoculars by a local policeman, who then cycles away.

The two stories begin to intertwine as the policeman tries to hunt the murderous tyre down whilst the audience watch on. They then begin to starve, leading to a particularly gross scene where they devour a raw turkey.

Rubber is supposed to be a comment on the film industry itself. The fact that a tyre is the main character is meant to show that audiences will watch anything that studios shove in their faces.

Even if you know this, the film will still hurt your brain if you think about it for too long. It's a fantastic exploration of the power of Hollywood and the relationship it has with paying customers, but maybe not ideal for a Sunday afternoon snuggle.

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House Horror
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.