10 Awesome Movie Franchise Crossovers We're Dying To See

1. Marvel Cinematic Universe & Spider-Man

Why It'd Be Awesome: Because Spider-Man is an Avenger, why else? In the comics, Spider-Man has been an intermittent part of the Avengers line-up, though due to rights issues (Marvel Studios make The Avengers, Sony make Spider-Man), he has yet to take his rightful place on screen aside Tony Stark and co. As with the comics, Spidey would effortlessly slot into the current Avengers narrative, and seeing him both web-slinging and getting into the banter with his colleagues would certainly make for some ridiculously entertaining moments. Why It Might Not Work: The legal red tape is the biggest problem, and most likely why we'll never see this one happen, but even ignoring that, would Spider-Man simply be a case of too many cooks spoiling the broth? Would he have a major part in the movie or just an Expendables-style cameo? These questions are important, and though the visual of Spidey swinging alongside Iron Man will sell a shedload of tickets, it might tip the balance from comfortably packed-in to fatally overstuffed. Still, if Joss Whedon's at the helm, we trust this probably won't happen, and if he ever got his hands on Spidey, he'd probably nail it. Which crossovers do you most want to see? Let us know in the comments!
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.