10 Awesome Movie Gunfights You've Probably Never Seen

While cinema is capable of amazing feats like making you feel emotionally invested in the plight of a fictional character, you'll always desire to see big guns rip apart scenery and your fellow man.

It's a universal truth that nothing gets the blood pumping in a film quite like a good firefight. While cinema is capable of amazing feats, like transporting you to another world, taking you back or forwards in time or making you feel emotionally invested in the plight of a fictional character, your inner 10-year-old will always desire to see big guns ripping apart scenery and your fellow man alike. Hell, Arnold Schwarzenegger built an entire career founded on this principle. Now while there are the obvious big screen gunfights that top every list of this sort, like Heat or Scarface (Al Pacino gets around doesn't he?) there are also plenty of great action scenes that go unsung for one reason or another. Maybe the film in question was a small indie release that didn't get widely seen, or it's a big budget film that failed to find an audience and has faded into obscurity. Or maybe the film just flat out sucked apart from a scene or two, and is rightfully forgotten. Whatever the case, this list has compiled ten of the best scenes of bullet-spewing carnage that you've (hopefully) never seen before.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.