10 Awesome Movie Inventions (That Would Suck In Real Life)

3. Willy Wonka: The Everlasting Gobstopper


Picking an awesome invention in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory is akin to, well, a kid in a candy store. There are an excessive amount of fantastic machines, a race of loyal, singing, dwarves, and an almost illegal amount of candy/ However, it is Wonka's everlasting gobstopper that will be the end of him, his competitors, whilst making dentists worldwide extremely happy.

The movie clearly states that the gobstopper will ruin all of Willy Wonka's competitors as no one can compete with candy that lasts forever. However, the movie neglects to show how the everlasting gobstopper will also make a huge dent into Wonka's own business. Whilst the gobstopper was designed with good intentions for poor children, every kid and adult will want to have a candy that lasts forever, resulting in little reason to buy any other candy. This will mean that Wonka's own line of products will take a hit after he produces the initial batch of gobstoppers.

With all this never-ending candy eating going on, it's safe to say that the teeth of every child (and adult) will be considerably less than perfect. This will mean a massive upswing in dental care, dentists becoming stupidly rich, and every parent sinking cash into fixing their children's teeth. As for those who can't get dental care? Well, at least you don't need teeth to enjoy a gobstopper.

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My life story is nothing special. I haven't cured ebola, I'm nowhere near stopping terrorism, and I'm still working on that climate change problem. Instead, all I've done so far is put a few hundred words together in an attempt to make people laugh. You can follow me at @Fry_ying_pan but don't be offended if I don't tweet back. It's usually because I've spent too long trying to think up a witty response that the reply window has closed.