10 Awesome Movie Monsters Only In One Scene

3. Stanley's Head - It: Chapter Two

Cabin In The Woods Merman
Warner Bros.

There's no way this can be mentioned without special homage paid to The Thing, the founding place of all things spider-monster, crafted from poor Norris's head in John Carpenter's 1982 movie. The Norris-thing head is worthy of an entry all of its own of course, alongside every other unique, twisted iteration that the alien Thing takes on during its time terrorising a remote Antarctic research base, but let's celebrate spider-heads the world over with a more recent addition to that one-shot list of creepy crawly noggins. After all, the assimilated monster might have been the first instance of a decapitated human head running around on 8 arachnid legs, but it certainly wasn't the last.

Paying special reference to the seminal classic, directer Andy Muschietti transforms Stanley Urie's lonesome head into another skittering horrorshow during IT: Chapter Two's runtime - especially effective both for its excitable throwback as well as the deviation from Stephen King's source material. What was supposed to be a stationary head in a fridge turns into a child's rampaging bonce roaming free in one of the most sickly shapes that It takes on in across in the movies, both a welcome surprise and a terrifying vision in one gruesome blow.

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