10 Awesome Movie Scenes With Mistakes You Never Noticed

9. A Dodgy Middle Finger Spoils Thanos' Inevitable Snap (Avengers: Endgame)

The Departed
Marvel Studios

Watching the mighty Thanos be brilliantly duped by Earth's Mightiest Hero Tony Stark late on in Avengers: Endgame made that year of Blip-induced pain all worth it.

Sure, watching Iron Man perish in the wake of that ol' nano-tech switcheroo was also rather painful. But the entire sequence involving the 'Mad Titan' feeling another inevitable cleanse of the universe was incoming before the MCU OG reminded him precisely who he was is still up there as one of the most iconic and satisfying moments in modern movie history.

However, even the most epic of back-and-forths can possess the odd c*ck-up.

As noted by Matt Aitken, the VFX supervisor who was part of the squad nominated for an Oscar for their work on Endgame, during a chat with Corridor Crew, the shot of Thanos attempted to click his nano-tech gauntlet fingers actually came with its own embarrassing blip of sorts.

A few fans had spotted one of Thanos' fingers oddly passing through the gauntlet as it moves (seen at 5:25 in the clip below). And Aitken very much confirmed that the team "missed that", with no one spotting the easily missed CGI mistake until the film hit theatres.

But even a slightly dodgy middle finger can't fully take the shine off this all-timer of a boss battle conclusion.

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