9. Billy Sole's Last Stand - Predator
Billy Sole seems a pretty formidable bloke. Half-Sioux, half-Italian and with that sense of (oddly racist) nature-mysticism many Hollywood Native Americans seem to possess, he's the first person to crack that the Predator is stalking Dutch's boys. He's memorable in the way only 80s action film characters can be a hodgepodge of awesome traits all housed in a ripped-up form. We're given definitive proof of this fact when he actively decides to take on the Predator with a knife, one-on-one. Even for a 'roided-up man of the forest, credit where credit's due the choice to stand toe-to-toe with a dreadlocked super-hunter to buy his unit some time is one of immense testicular fortitude, so we can only assume there's going to be an awesome fight scene. After all, if the object was to delay the Predator, it might be prudent to show how long he's being delayed for. But no, such a thing doesn't happen. Instead, we see Billy stare down the Predator and present his challenge before the action cuts back to the remaining characters hearing his dying scream. It's a bit of a letdown, in all honesty I know this might be a reductionist viewpoint, but I didn't come to Predator to see people's reactions to the horror, I came to see things fight each other. Sure, the mood build-up is all necessary, but the scene was like being promised an ice-cream yet only being served the bowl there's a definite resemblance to what should be happening, but the whole reason why you came is sadly omitted. It's made somewhat worse by the fact we get to see the monster remove his spine.