10 Awesome Movie Trailer Moments That Were Cut From The Film

9. Jason Statham Deflects A Rocket With A Tea Tray - The Transporter

Nightcrawler Jake Gyllenhaal

The original trailer for Jason Statham's 2002 star vehicle The Transporter features a gloriously absurd moment which was infuriatingly left out of the final cut.

The snippet in question shows Statham's highly-skilled mercenary Frank Martin having a gigantic rocket fired at his face, only for him to use a nearby tea tray to, er, deflect the damn rocket away from him.

It's a ridiculous moment, for sure, but completely in tonal step with the rest of the movie, which is hardly a bastion of gritty, plausible action.

Despite its show-stopping placement in the trailer, the scene was reportedly cut due to none other than Statham himself, who felt that audiences simply wouldn't believe such a physically impossible act.

Again, it's a Transporter movie - isn't the Looney Tunes absurdity the entire point? Compared to some of the truly deranged shenanigans in the next two sequels, altering a rocket's course with a breakfast tray is the pinnacle of grounded realism.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.