10 Awesome Movies From 2017 You Probably Missed

6. Song To Song

Wind River
Broad Green Pictures

It's a bit odd that a movie starring Ryan Gosling, Michael Fassbender, Natalie Portman, and Rooney Mara should only bring in $1 million at the box office, but that's exactly what happened with Terrence Mallick's latest, Song to Song.

Mallick's box office appeal has been on a steady decline over the years, of course, ever since he committed to that experimental, freewheeling camera style. His pictures don't play as much as they "glide." It's a style you're bound to either love or hate, though if you're on Mallick's side then Song to Song really isn't a picture you'll want to miss (if you knew it even existed, of course).

The "plot" (a word used incredibly loosely) of Song to Song hones in on two love triangles that take place in and around the Texas music scene. Ryan Gosling is especially good here, his easy-going manner perfect for the Mallick style. And as one might expect, it's beautiful and bizarre in equal measure, with characters standing around, gazing at various landscapes, wondering what it all means.

But this is also one of Mallick's more accessible films of late (if such a thing exists), and well worth a watch if you wrote him off in the wake of Knight of Cups. In its constant asking of questions, and attempts to explore people as they are on the inside as they battle against themselves and each other, Song to Song proves that not every film can be reduced to a Rotten Tomatoes score.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.