10 Awesome Movies That Ruled Summer 2014

9. Godzilla

Gareth Edwards follow-up to his impressively minimalist, low-budget creature feature Monsters is in many ways the seeming antithesis of that project: a high-budget monster flick with an all-star cast. However, Edwards still managed to employ his favoured slow-burn style while also giving audiences the large-scale destruction necessary in a Godzilla movie. The wait to get a good look at the big guy might prove frustrating for some, and Edwards arguably doesn't make the best use of his excellent cast (especially Bryan Cranston), but Godzilla 2014 is nevertheless a huge improvement on Roland Emmerich's wretched 1998 attempt. Visually stunning and boasting plenty of smarts, this ambitious, daring take on one of cinema's quintessential beasties has cemented Edwards as a Hollywood household name, and with its $500+ million box office cume, a sequel with Edwards in the driver's seat has been confirmed for 2018.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.