10 Awesome Movies That Ruled Summer 2014

8. Chef

Here's a piece of advice before you decide to watch Chef: don't do it on an empty stomach, because you're going to have a bad time. Jon Favreau takes a break from superhero flicks to write, direct, produce and star in this intimate, thoroughly charming family drama about a chef (Favreau) looking to rejuvenate his craft creatively by running a food truck and driving it around the U.S. Favreau delivers one of his strongest performances to date in the lead role, and what really shines through above all else is his infectious enthusiasm for the food he's cooking, gorgeously shot in an undeniable "food porn" style. Interspersed throughout this is a touching and unassuming family dynamic, as Favreau's chef teaches his young son about cooking, yet it thankfully never feels treacly or overly sentimental. Jon Leguizamo is also a hoot in a supporting role as Favreau's buddy Martin, who comes along for the ride. Robert Downey Jr's appearance is disappointingly brief and female roles (for Sofia Vergara and Scarlett Johansson) are both scant and not especially memorable, but even so, Favreau's drama about creative frustration (a clear riff on his own problems with Marvel over the years) is one of the summer's biggest surprises: a movie bursting with heart and love for its subject matter.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.