10 Awesome Movies With Awful Special Effects

8. Spider-Man

Finding a video clip of this scene is curiously difficult - conspiracy! - so you'll have to settle for the above image, which shows you all you'll need or want to see anyway. Sam Raimi's Spider-Man is one of the first great superhero films, and though it's shot through entirely in the tone of the cheesy, campy comic books it stems from, the horrid visual effects are laughable today, not that they looked particularly decent back in 2002. There are plenty of bad effects that could be singled out in the film, though the one that stands firm for me is during Green Goblin's attack on Times Square. For everything that's wrong with the scene, the most egregious moment is the shot in which the preposterous villain hurls a Pumpkin Bomb which detonates, turning the above crowd of poor saps into slapstick-style skeletons, which then proceed to fall to the floor. Even for a film as keen to be silly as this, it looks horrible, and is one shot I would gladly see cut out of the film in the next home video release.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.