10 Awesome Movies With Unforgivable Plot Holes

6. Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)

It's explained in the first Terminator movie that only objects surrounding by organic tissue can time-travel. Hence why Kyle Reese and the Terminator are both naked when they arrive in the time they've travelled too. However, in the second film, the T-1000 travels through time, despite being made entirely of liquid metal. Now while it's totally possible things have moved on from the Terminator, and Skynet have upped their game, allowing other things to travel through time, that would make the T-1000's nakedness absolutely unnecessary. Put it away.
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Plot Holes
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A super-villain in a world without heroes. Dedicated writer on all things Liverpool FC, brutally honest about things he dislikes, overly passionate about things he cares about. Lover of Pop Punk music, The Office(US), San Andreas and novelty boxer shorts. Follow him on twitter @matt_volpi