10 Awesome Movies You Won't Believe Got A Rotten Rating On RottenTomatoes

2. Johnny English

Tomatometer Rating: 33% Rowan Atkinson as a cocky, but totally incompetent spy taking on a royal-power hungry John Malkovich in a light Bond spoof sounds like a hilariously brilliant idea. And wouldn't you know it is? If Austin Powers is spoofing the early days of James Bond, Johnny English has its sights squarely on then-recent Pierce Brosnan movies, making for a more overtly British comedy. Malkovich is great as clearly-evil businessman Sauvage, enacting a plot so bonkers it would feel at home in Roger Moore-era 007, although it's Atkinson's show through and through. For the most part, Mr. Bean-esque slapstick is avoided in favour of a Blackadder swagger (although lacking some of that character's delightful spitefulness), leaving us with a movie that offers a balance of humour; it's not all visual poo gags (although they do rear their smelly head). And yet it's the lowest rated film on this list. We can only imagine coming from a Barclaycard advertising campaign pre-disposed a lot of people to dislike the film, wary of praising something with such basic origins. A belated sequel, Johnny English Reborn, which turned its eye on the Daniel Craig era and series cousin Bourne, ended up with a higher rating, despite not having quite the same spark as the original.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.