10 Awesome Plot Twists That Totally Saved Awful Horror Movies

2. Would You Rather

Dead Silence
Periscope Entertainment

Our story revolves around a woman called Iris who takes part in a lethal version of Would You Rather to save her terminally ill brother, Raleigh. Even though Iris is a decent person, she's forced to batter, stab, and shoot the other contestants to stand a chance of helping her sibling.

Despite it's intriguing premise, Would You Rather is very bare-bones. Even if you're a pure horror fan, you'll be disappointed since the kills and gore are constantly interrupted by shaky-cam and choppy editing. Although we should be jumping out of our skin while watching this contest, it's never feels very compelling.

To the movie's credit, it nails the ending. When Iris emerges triumphant, her benefactor gives her enough money to pay off her debts and have her brother treated. The benefactor is also nice enough to find Raleigh a donor so the treatment can start immediately.

But when Iris returns home, she discovers Raleigh has taken his life, to avoid burdening his family with medical bills. Iris is left utterly destroyed, as she acknowledges she went through the grisly contest for nothing.

The meat of Would You Rather mightn't be juicy, but you can taste the anguish Iris is experiencing in that final shot.


James Egan has written 80 books including 1000 Facts about Superheroes Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Horror Movies Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about The Greatest Films Ever Made Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Video Games Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about TV Shows Vol. 1-3 Twitter - @jameswzegan85