10 Awesome Recent Movies You Probably Missed

7. The Empty Man

The Informer Joel Kinnaman
20th Century Studios

After spending years working as a production documentarian for David Fincher, David Prior was given the go-ahead to write and direct his own horror movie, The Empty Man.

Shot in the summer of 2017, the film ended up languishing on Fox's shelf for over three years following disastrous test screenings, before it was quietly dumped in U.S. cinemas last October.

Though it received polarising reviews on release and scored a dreaded "D+" CinemaScore, the film underwent a hasty re-evaluation once it hit VOD and has since become a cult fave with horror fans.

The Empty Man is far from perfect - for starters, it's 137 minutes long - but between its ambitiously epic storytelling, expectation-defying approach to the genre, sharp visuals, and solid performances, it's a ride well worth taking.

The opening 20-minute pre-title sequence is itself an excellent short film, and while the rest of the movie never quite reaches that level, it's still a richly atmospheric and provocative outing for more adventurous genre aficionados.

It's easy to see why the studio panicked about how to market it, though, and so it's clearly far better-suited to an at-home digital release.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.