10 Awesome Recent Movies You Probably Missed

6. Black Bear

The Informer Joel Kinnaman
Momentum Pictures

In Black Bear, Aubrey Plaza proves just how talented a dramatic actress she really is, playing an embattled filmmaker who retreats to a cabin in the hope of rejuvenating her creative juices.

This is another film where you're better off knowing little going in. Know simply that Lawrence Michael Levine's surreal drama slaloms effortlessly between genres in a clever and discomforting way, ensuring viewers are left on an uneven keel throughout.

As both an examination of the creative process and a showcase for Plaza's go-for-broke performance, Black Bear is a mighty, twisty film which continually skirts expectations, even if its opaque nature is sure to exasperate more literally-minded viewers.

Beyond Plaza, Christopher Abbott and Sarah Gadon are also excellent as her scene partners.

Somewhere between the works of John Cassavetes and David Lynch lies this high-wire, unpredictable, and totally unforgettable treatise on the very nature of both art and existence.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.