10 Most Awesome Spaceships In Star Wars

Pieces of junk galore.

When fans think of Star Wars, their minds fill with images of ships zooming about the stars, unrestrained by the limits of current technology. It is these ships that allow the denizens of the galaxy to effortlessly cross the unimaginable gulfs of the void, from beyond the rim all the way to the galactic core, in as much or as little time as the plot requires. But, more importantly, these ships often look incredibly cool while doing that, and it's this innate coolness that provides the Star Wars films with much of their visual majesty. Whether the ships are brought to cinematic life as physical models (small or large), as CGI, or even matte paintings, what remains constant is the amazing attention to detail and the powerfully original aesthetic of their looks. When Star Wars seized the imaginations of an entire generation in 1977, the impact of these breathtakingly original vessels was incalculable and cast a massive shadow over many of the sci-fi films that followed - be honest, the Colonial Vipers in Battlestar Galactica owe more than a little to X-Wings. This article presents a list of the 10 coolest-looking spaceships in Star Wars; each ship on this list is possessed of a distinct "wow" factor. In the words of Han Solo, "Punch it, Chewie!"
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Mike has lived in the UK, Japan and the USA. Currently, he is based in Iowa with his wife and 2 young children. After working for many years as a writer and editor for a large corporation, he is now a freelancer. He has been fortunate enough to contribute to many books on Doctor Who over the last 20 years and is now concentrating on original sci-fi & fantasy short stories, with recent sales including Flame Tree, Uffda, and The Martian Wave. Also, look for his contribution on Blake's 7 to "You and Who Else", a charity anthology to be released later this year. You can find him on Tumblr at https://www.tumblr.com/blog/culttvmike