10 Awesome Star Wars Characters Only In One Scene

2. Greedo - A New Hope

Greedo Star Wars

Greedo deserves an inclusion in this list for the sole reason that his appearance prompted one of the most discussed points of the entire Star Wars franchise to date.

That brief appearance came about during George Lucas' first Star Wars picture, but it is an appearance that has been tinkered with and toyed with time and time again over the decades - with Greedo somebody who now, 43 years after his minor role, is still regularly talked about amongst the Star Wars fan base.

The buzz around Greedo can all be pinpointed to one simple question: Who shot first?

Of course, bounty hunter Greedo ends up shot dead by Han Solo in the Mos Eisley Cantina over a dispute about monies owed by Solo.

In the original cut of the movie, Han callously shoots Greedo as the two sit down to discuss business. By the time that Lucas re-released his original trilogy in 1997, this scene was changed so that Greedo fired off a shot of his own before Han shot back and killed him. But that wasn't it, for the 2004 version of Star Wars: A New Hope changed this scene again, so that this time both rivals fired their blasters at nearly the exact same time.

Bafflingly, another change just last year - for the film's arrival on Disney+ - saw Greedo mutter a random word (maclunkey?) before dying. Either way, many a Star Wars fan has a special place in their heart for Greedo.

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