10 Awesome Things In The Best Summer Movie Season Ever‏

2. The End Credits - 22 Jump Street

The Scene: 21 Jump Street was a total surprise to everyone involved. The people making it, the people putting it out, and the audiences themselves were all blown away that, somehow, a remake of a mostly-forgotten eighties cop show had somehow become one of the most inventive and downright genius comedies of the past ten years. As if to show how surprised they were, when Phil Lord, Chris Miller, Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum got the chance to make a sequel, they spent most of it cracking jokes about how ridiculous it was they had a sequel. Rather than just settle with some winking at the camera, however, the filmmakers chose to ride the joke right into the ground and to the centre of the Earth with a none-more-meta credits sequence looking forward at Jump Streets 23 through 43, ending with the futuristic 2121 Jump Street. Why It's Awesome: Both films are suffused with more post-modernism than a Philip Glass party at Thomas Pynchon's house, but this was the moment that they took it as far as they could go and the gamble paid of in dividends. We were busting a gut for the majority of 22 Jump Street, but we can't think of a single end credits sequence that's left us weeping that hard since the fake freeze frames of Police Squad. Each new entry in the Jump Street series upped the ante for ridiculousness and inside jokes, including 29 Jump Street: Sunday School, where Jonah Hill is replaced by Seth Rogen for contractual reasons and nobody draws attention to it. But then again there's also 27 Jump Street: Culinary School with Bill Hader, 30 Jump Street: Flight Academy with Anna Faris, 39 Jump Street: The Video Game, 43 Jump Street: Mariachi School...we know they were all jokes, and the existence of this credits sequence precludes them from doing an actual 23 Jump Street (unless they're gonna get even more meta with the third film, somehow), but we kinda wanna see each and every one of those films. Yes, even Jump Street Generations, co-starring Richard Grieco.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/