10 Awesome Things In The Best Summer Movie Season Ever‏

3. Quicksilver Lives Up To His Name - X-Men: Days Of Future Past

The Scene: People were worried about the new X-Men film. Things had gone a little off the boil for the franchise, something only partially remedied by prequel movie First Class. The return of Bryan Singer, who hadn't had a hit since helming the second film in the series, didn't do much to pacify fans. Neither were the photos Fox released of all the new mutants who'd be appearing in Days Of Future Past, least of all Evan Peters as super-speeder Quicksilver: goofy goggles, a bad silver dye job on his hair and a cheap-looking outfit. Surely this was going to be a disaster, with Peter Maximoff right at the top? Wrong wrong wrong wrong. In actuality Quicksilver was the best part of a mainly great movie, stealing the show with his part in breaking Magneto out of a prison secreted beneath the Pentagon. Why It's Awesome: It was just so charming. And fun. And well done. Seriously, everything about that sequence is perfect. As Charles Xavier and Wolverine struggle to pacify the panicked government agents who have them surrounded at the entrance to Magneto's underground cell (which, for some reason, you get to through a kitchen) Quicksilver calmly pulls down his goggles, cracks his knuckles, starts Jim Croce's Time In A Bottle playing on his Walkman, and gets to work. Time slows to a standstill from his point of view as he speeds around the room, prodding the glacially-placed bullets of the agents out the way of his mutant pals, and mischievously places all the government spooks' fists so that, when everything's moving at a regular speed again, they punch themselves and their friends in the face, and the prison break can continue unimpeded. It's ridiculous, hilarious, and totally sold on some solid soundtracking, special effects, and the smarmy performance of Evan Peters.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/