10 Awesome Ways Netflix's Daredevil Could Link To The Wider MCU
4. Kingpin In A Spider-Man Movie Or In HYDRA
It's quite easy to forget that Kingpin - Daredevil's most prominent and formidable adversary - is actually a Spider-Man villain as well. He is, however, and this could potentially lead to him appearing in one of the planned Spider-Man movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (seeing Spider-Man's "fat banter" on screen would be great). The character - real name Wilson Fisk - is set to be portrayed by the brilliant Vincent D'Onofrio in the upcoming Netflix series and will be the ongoing antagonist for the foreseeable future. There's only so long before that could become boring, so mixing it up by also putting him up against another major hero could be a cool idea. Alternatively, Fisk could also turn out to have strong associations with the existing Marvel Cinematic Universe group HYDRA. In the comic books, he has been the manager and director of the Las Vegas branch of the organisation, and has also made sworn enemies of them through his business dealings. This could potentially lead to an appearance in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. or one of many potential movies.