10 Awful 2017 Horror Movies To Avoid This Halloween

Anything but this.

Rings 2017

All Hallows' Eve is fast approaching, and for horror hounds it provides a great excuse for them to lock themselves away, turn off all the lights, grab a tub of popcorn and marathon as many new horror flicks as they can possibly stomach.

We've already handily provided some indie horror recommendations for the Halloween period, but what about those dreadful horrors you must absolutely ensure you avoid?

Don't be tricked by a tantalising Netflix thumbnail, an enticing lead actor or your desire to indulge in some straight-up trash: these are legitimately the worst horror films of 2017, and unless you're a pathological glutton for punishment, you can do much, much better.

Whether derailed by bad acting, unintentionally hilarious writing, slack direction, a simple lack of scares or all of the above, these 10 recent horror movies, from glossy studio sequels to straight-to-video fare, don't deserve your time this Halloween period...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.