10 Awful Fashion Trends Of The Future (According To Films)

1. Everything's The Same, But Older

As seen in: Star Wars, Blade Runner, Serenity, anything that's not €œhard€ sci-fi So it's obvious that a lot of the more out-there predictions about what people will be wearing in the future are patently ridiculous, and would require the population at large to be much more receptive to foil-based clothing than they are at the moment. That isn't the worst-case scenario, though. At least those futures envision some sort of changing tastes, that the world will continue to evolve and invent and become fresh and new. Then there are the terrifying visions of the future where everybody dresses much the same as they do now, except everything's sort of worn and tatty. Because everybody's been wearing the same outfits for, like, hundreds of years. They're probably all smelly as well. Gross. That's the sort of future laid out in gritty fare like Blade Runner and A Scanner Darkly, in the €œlong time ago€ (seems like a misnomer) of Star Wars, and all the myriad movies that have ripped those films off. They provide a realistic, lived in feel for films that deal with otherwise unbelievable and high falutin' concepts, allowing audiences a way into worlds that are far beyond our own. Best to give them something to hold onto, something familiar, like the guy piloting the spaceship wearing a white shirt and black waistcoat. Truly that is the darkest timeline. A future where turtlenecks are still an acceptable fashion choice is no future at all. What fashion trends does the future hold? Is it really as style-less as the movies suggest? Share your thoughts down in the comments.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/