10 Awful Fashion Trends Of The Future (According To Films)

2. Trenchcoats

As seen in: The Matrix, anything cyberpunk What if the future doesn't look so different from right now? What if the trendsetters for everybody is going to end up wearing are those kids at high school who listened to Megadeth and read the Anarchist's Cookbook recreationally, squandering their initial academic promise to go get stoned behind the bike sheds and complain about sheeple? That's the terrifying vision put forward by the likes of The Matrix - and all of the other cyberpunk stuff that inspired it - where the outfit de rigeur is a trenchcoat. You know, the thing worn by self-conscious €œoutsiders€ and perverts who need the long coat for flashing purposes. That's what films think we'll all be wearing. And according to The Matrix and William Gibson, it won't even be that far in the future that we'll all be clad in ridiculously long black coats which drag along the floor and get caught in revolving doors and the like. A future where you have to rub shoe polish on your clothes to keep them shiny, where everybody is clad in the style of a 14-year-old goth who saved up all of their pocket money and then splurged one weekend at Blue Banana. Which isn't totally beyond the realms of possibility, but very much past the bounds of the best possible taste.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/