10 Awful Fashion Trends Of The Future (According To Films)

8. Helmets

As seen in: All of the things The only thing less practical than a tie is a hat. Okay, not necessarily, since beanies and over knitted headwear are a must-have during the winter months to stop your bonce from being frozen to a frosty sheen, but other than that? Hats are entirely decorative. There is absolutely no practical purpose to a top hat or a fedora, save for singling yourself out as a total loser nobody should talk to (if you're doing it in the present day, anyway, and not in the olden times when such things were normal). So again, like ties, they're absolutely pointless now, and they will only get more pointless in the future, if films are to be believed. Right now helmets are worn by builders, pilots, and small children pretending to be firemen. In the future, apparently, they will be worn by anyone and everyone, from Stormtroopers to future police to your everyday guy heading out in his flying car. Practically it makes sense, since those films tend to include all sorts of perils from the sky. So maybe helmets will have a more practical purpose than hats currently do - like helping people not get crushed by falling future debris - but also everyone will look like Lord Dark Helmet and have stiff necks.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/