10 Awful Fashion Trends Of The Future (According To Films)

3. Fascistic Uniforms

As seen in: THX 1138, Brazil, Divergent At least all of those previous choices offered a degree of self-expression - even if it was through wearing terrible clothes, people in these offered future worlds are still individuals. Then you have the true dystopias where the world has been conquered by some totalitarian regime or another, almost certainly €œinspired€ by Orwell, where one of the requirements of this repressive society is everybody dressing the same. And everybody inevitably dressing like they're the bad kind of stormtroopers (if you can't be bothered coming up with suitably menacing villainous just point and remind people of Hitler - he was a bad 'un). And not a particularly fashionable one, either. Sure, Hugo Boss had a hand in crafting those creased, harsh-angled SS uniforms, but that doesn't mean they actually looked good. Or at least, you wouldn't like to admit it. Unless you're the singer of Roxy Music, anyway. By the time humanity reaches the totalitarian futures depicted in the likes of THX 1138 Bryan Ferry will be long gone, however, along with any memories of colours outside of black, grey, and a sort of murky greeny-brown (kinda like the Imperial lot from Star Wars too, come to think of it), a thoroughly drab world. Obviously the fascist overlords thing is the main drawback, but the fashion suffers too.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/