10 Awful Films Community Actors Want Us To Forget

7. Horse Girl - Alison Brie

alison brie get hard

The late great Christopher Lee once said that an actor often has to be in bad movies, but the trick is to never be bad in them. And to Alison Brie’s credit, while Netflix’s Horse Girl falls short in a lot of categories, her acting cannot be criticised.

The main issue with the film is that the movie wears its weirdness on its sleeve, but never fully commits to any of the themes that its surreal imagery conjures up. Brie plays a shy, socially awkward young woman who starts to experience strange dreams and eventually becomes convinced that she is either an alien abductee or a clone.

The film spends most of its runtime meandering around this question, refusing to give a direct answer one way or another, and it sort of just ends after a while. Was the main character actually being affected by her family’s long history of mental health problems or were we secretly watching a science fiction movie the entire time?

The movie doesn’t seem to know. To be honest, it doesn’t seem to really care either.


Owen Davies hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.