10 Awful Films Community Actors Want Us To Forget

8. The Hangover Part III - Ken Jeong

alison brie get hard
Warner Bros.

When the first Hangover movie was released back in 2009, it felt like a new era in comedy had arrived. With genuinely funny jokes and cast members who really gave it their all, it’s no wonder that the film raked in over $467 million worldwide. One of the most memorable parts of the movie was Ken Jeong’s performance as the unhinged Chinese gangster Mr. Chow and pretty much all of his lines became instantly quotable classics.

But, as with far too many successful movies, an extremely unnecessary sequel soon got greenlit and everyone quickly realised that there were really only enough ideas for one instalment. The Hangover Part Two is a big step-down from the first but if they had stopped there, the reputation of the first might have been preserved.

Instead of that, we got The Hangover Part III, a complete mess of a film that insults the legacy of the first in every possible way. The script is unintelligent and the cast are phoning it in - even Ken Jeong. What a waste of everybody’s time.


Owen Davies hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.