10 Awful Films Star Wars: Force Awakens Actors Want You To Forget

2. The Lord Of The Rings (1978) - Anthony Daniels

RottenTomatoes Score: 50% The Plot: You know the story, so why even bother, right? Just know that it's an animated adaptation of Tolkein's Fellowship of the Ring and the first half of The Two Towers, packed into 132 minutes compared to Jackson's over-double that. Why It Sucks: Though it boasts a certain visual grandeur, it's tough to take this adaptation seriously when faced with Jackson's unarguably superior effort. For starters, this take is relatively flippant about how faithful it wants to be to Tolkein's texts, the animation is relatively inconsistent quality-wise, and unless you're already familiar with the source material, making head or tail of the breakneck pacing will likely be too cumbersome for some younger viewers. In fairness, it's easily the best film on this list (not that it's saying much), but when you've got Orlando Bloom's far more successful take on Legolas to work with, revisiting Anthony Daniels' rather tepid, mild effort doesn't serve much of a purpose. Plus, it's almost impossible for any Star Wars fan not to be distracted by that distinctive C-3PO voice.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.