10 Awful Films The Office Actors Want Us To Forget

2. Knucklehead

Curly Sue Steve Carell
WWE Studios

It will surprise no one to learn that WWE Studios is not a well regarded maker of motion pictures. Their stock in trade is mostly action drivel, allowing John Cena to live out his dream of playing army, but they’ll chip in with the odd bottom drawer comedy from time to time too.

One such production was 2010’s Knucklehead, starring Melora Hardin alongside Paul Wight, a.k.a WWE’s Big Show. Hardin is one of the most underrated aspects of The Office as Jan Levinson, a corporate suit who starts the show as a rare voice of reason and ends up one of the maddest characters imaginable.

She’s given significantly less to do here, along for the ride with Big Show who plays an orphan-turned-MMA fighter. The film’s main joke is that the Big Show is a very large, physically powerful, but somewhat infantile man, who causes chaos accordingly.

Everyone involved deserves much better, but none more than Hardin, whose performance as Jan is so detailed and funny that she should have studios (not ones owned by Vince McMahon) knocking down her door.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)