10 Awful Films The Office Actors Want Us To Forget

3. License To Wed

Curly Sue Steve Carell
Warner Bros.

Robin Williams was like Steve Carrel, but more so. Capable of fantastic, intricate, funny and dramatic performances, but, left unchecked, liable to put on cloying, over the top comedic turns. Playing an overzealous reverend taking it upon himself to determine whether or not a couple can marry at his church, there are few prizes for guessing which side of the fence this falls on.

License To Wed features a smorgasbord of Office alumni. John Krasinski stars as the put-upon prospective groom who reacts with incredulity at Williams’ wacky antics, a role very much in his wheelhouse. The film also features supporting turns from Mindy Kaling, Angela Kinsey, and Brian Baumgartner, of varying quality.

This isn't a terrible film by any stretch of the imagination, just an incredibly predictable one, a paint by numbers comedy to which any remotely savvy film fan could predict the ending after hearing a one sentence synopsis. Krasinski is given little room to be funny, Williams is given dangerous levels of freedom, and it all works out just fine in the end. Not a film that lives long in the memory, luckily for all concerned.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)