10 Awful Hollywood Trends That Are All Your Fault

5. Aspirational Lifestyles

These days, superheroes who have dedicated themselves to helping others and trying to save the world don€™t stop there- they do it while being rich, attractive, charming and urbane. In short, they tend to be the kind of people everyone wants to be, usually with some sort of dark past that only make their journey more noble, their charm more heroic when we know it masks so much pain. Personally I think that€™s really dull, and I don€™t understand why people are so interested in it. But we are, and this trend can be explained by the fact that we just love to watch the kind of people we wish we were- Dallas, The O.C., Friends- all of them have an aspirational element, as groups of perfect people go around being more perfect than we could ever wish to be. Because I€™m not perfect, and neither are you. I€™ve seen you, with your spots and your not-perfectly-white teeth and your old baggy ugly hoodie that you wear around the house with the stains on it where you spilled beans. I€™ve seen you through your windows with my binoculars.
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Clothing wearer, occasional holder of various objects, proficient at both sitting down and standing up, master of inhaling and subsequent exhaling in order to prolong existence. Follow me on Twitter and within three days the love of your life will kiss you in the face.