10 Awful Hollywood Trends That Are All Your Fault

6. Glamorisation Of Death

This one€™s almost too old and established to bother questioning. But when I€™m watching a film full of explosions and myriad, insignificant deaths, sometimes it seems a bit odd that the depiction of mass murder doesn€™t bother me at all. It€™s a fairly horrible trend, really. There are, of course, all sorts of psychological explanations for our morbid interest in death, but then this isn€™t really a fascination, but an indifference to mass shuffling off this mortal coil. Perhaps it€™s something to do with our strange tendency to empathise so thoroughly with the main character and only be affected by their misfortunes. Either way, Michael Haneke€™s disturbing Funny Games is a great examination of our voyeuristic schadenfreude.
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