10 Awful Moments That Ruined The Robocop Reboot

5. Not Enough Night-Time Scenes

The original movie featured a lot of RoboCop during the day, but in 2014, the cinematic landscape is a very different place, and if Christopher Nolan has proven one thing, it's that characters dressed in black look way cooler cruising around at night. The few night-time scenes throughout this movie boast superb cinematography, and the image of RoboCop racing through the night with his bike, lights blinking, is one of the finest in the entire movie. So why, then, set most of it during the day? Though it might be a little too obvious these days to draw from the Nolan playbook, that's clearly the favoured aesthetic of blockbuster cinema these days, especially for something with the potential to be as gritty as RoboCop. Instead, seeing this guy dressed in a giant black suit during broad daylight just looks a bit goofy, and the film doesn't have the comic or satirical edge of the original to pull such a conceit off.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.