10 Awful Movie Kill Quips So Bad They're Good

4. €œYou€™re Fired!€ €“ True Lies

Why It€™s So Bad: The whole scene is ridiculous. €But Really So Good: Arnie says it better than Alan Sugar. Arnie did say he€™d be back. And here he is, with a great one-liner from the 1994 action movie True Lies. Schwarzenegger plays a secret agent, and in the climax of the film he has to rescue his daughter from the bad guys using a Harrier jump jet. Naturally. After a fight onboard the hovering jet, Arnie has main antagonist Salim Abu Aziz stuck by his AK47 strap to the end of an air-to-air missile. Lining up the Harrier with more bad guys in a helicopter, Arnie presses the trigger to launch the missile, brutally stating €œYou€™re fired!€ The missile launches through a skyscraper and explodes in a great ball of flames on impact with the helicopter. Arnie wasn€™t lying when he killed this bad guy last. Quote-ability Level: 9/10 Martini's Shaken Not Stirred

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