10 Awful Movie Kill Quips So Bad They're Good

5. €œI Think He Got The Point€ €“ Thunderball

Why It€™s So Bad: Bond€™s just a cold-blooded murderer.€But Really So Good: Pretty awesome one-liner. Bond€™s probably right too. Ah, 007 we meet again. Of course James Bond had to make more than one appearance on this list. The loveable secret agent has killed many a bad-guy over the years, but none so brilliantly as Sean Connery€™s harpoon-impaling of a stealthy assassin in Thunderball. The scene takes place on a beach, as 007 tells bikini-clad Bond girl Domino his plans to locate stolen nuclear weapons. Domino notices an assassin approaching, and informs Bond, who nonchalantly picks up a harpoon gun and shoots the assassin in the chest. His kill quip is simply fantastic, and cuts straight to the point. Quote-ability Level: 10/10 Martini's Shaken Not Stirred

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