10 Awful Movie Remakes With Silver Linings You Can't Ignore

6. Poseidon

The Movie: If any genre can be said to be justified in being remade, the disaster genre is perhaps the most likely candidate. Reliant as it is on spectacle and effects, the technical innovations introduced over the years are often enough to warrant a remake, bringing the destruction to the screen with more power and visual impact. Still, engaging characters wouldn't go amiss, something that Wolfgang Petersen clearly left by the wayside in Poseidon, his remake of the 1972 disaster classic The Poseidon Adventure, itself an adaptation of Paul Gallico's novel of the same name. It's nice to care about the characters as they're crushed, trampled and drowned en masse, but unfortunately Poseidon fails to deliver in this respect. The Silver Lining: At least Petersen marshals his VFX team to full effect - and doesn't entirely squander the $160 million budget - and delivers some very impressive set pieces which hold up well today and certainly give James Cameron's Titanic a run for its money (clearly a movie Petersen was trying to outdo). Kurt Russell's death scene is worth a watch, too - a more convincing on-screen drowning has yet to be filmed.

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.