10 Awful Movie Retcons That Pissed Off Everybody

7. Sidney's Half-Brothers Was The Killer All Along - Scream 3

Spider Man 3 Sandman

According to the deceased Randy, 3rd horror movies have various trilogy ending rules including (seemingly) invulnerable killers, main characters dying and big plot reveals that change everything we thought we knew about the two films prior. While these rules do mostly apply to Scream 3, the series seems to forget almost no horror franchise stopped at 3 and thus these trilogy laws apply to next to horror classics.

For Scream 3, having us rethink the prior films proves an especially foolish call as an inferior 3rd film weasels its way into the legacy of the earlier ones audiences actually liked. Turns out the killers of the original film weren’t alone, nor were they even the architects of their own killing spree. Nope. It was lead character Sidney’s mystery half brother from Hollywood all along. Before he was the whale loving Sean on Scrubs, Scott Foley took a stab at villainy with goofy slasher Roman Bridger.

Bogged down in far too much unfunny comedy, Scream 3’s big reveal of Bridger as the killer, the mystery brother and the big bad of the whole series up to that point fails to connect on any meaningful level. Too silly to be scary and too dumb to be interesting, it merely sours our view of the much better original.

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Spider-Man 3
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