10 Awful Movie Retcons That Pissed Off Everybody

8. Alien 3 Kills The Franchise - Alien 3

Spider Man 3 Sandman

After Aliens proved a smash hit, it was a surprisingly long time before a 3rd finally hit the big screen. To keep the soundly concluded story running, the writers retconned much of the 3rd act, revealing the alien queen (that enormous queen xenomorph who we saw nearly every moment of when it boarded the ship) has in fact laid babies in Ripley’s evac ship.

Worse still, the film immediately kills off Ripley’s infant pal Newt, Marine tough guy Hicks and maimed android Bishop. Not like any of those characters were popular or could’ve added some much needed juice to the story or anything...

Having spent two high intensity films at war with the xenomorphs, Ellen Ripley now finds herself tragically impregnated by her foes, the victim of that mystery facehugger conveniently placed on her ship. All this ultimately leads to the total downer of Ellen committing suicide instead of giving up the budding embryo weighing her down.

Dour, unevenly paced and devoid of the wild action or creature feature effects of its predecessor, Alien 3 torpedoed the artistic value set by the two prior series entries and forced the writers to get rather eccentric in their revival of the Ripley character in Alien: Resurrection.

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