10 Awful Movies That Wasted An A-List Cast

9. Suicide Squad

Suicide Squad
Warner Bros.

Based on what we know about the heavy-handed studio interference that neutered director David Ayer's original vision for the movie, there's no doubt a much better version of Suicide Squad that exists somewhere, but unless it gets the Snyder Cut treatment then we'll never get a chance to see it for ourselves.

Jared Leto might be one of the most interesting actors working today with the right material, but his Juggalo-inspired approach to the Joker was all wrong. Will Smith dials his performance way back despite being one of the most charismatic stars on the planet, while even the always-reliable Viola Davis struggles to make an impact as walking exposition machine Amanda Waller.

Margot Robbie easily steals the show from every one of her co-stars as Harley Quinn, while the vast majority of the ensemble fare so poorly that the constantly-maligned Jai Courtney turned out to be one of Suicide Squad's highlights despite generally taking flak for every movie he appears in.


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