10 Awful Movies Vikings Actors Want Us To Forget

1. Adam "Edge" Copeland (Kjettil Flatnose) - Money Plane

Autumns Blood
Taylor & Dodge Entertainment

In Money Plane, Adam Copeland plays a professional thief who is blackmailed to hijack a casino aircraft. After popping up in shows like The Flash or Haven for a decade, it's nice to see Copeland finally bag the lead role in a movie. It's just a shame it happened to be the worst film of 2020.

Even the title "Money Plane" sounds like the name was concocted for a SNL sketch. You would swear this was an Asylum movie if it wasn't for the surprisingly impressive cast, including Kelsey Grammar, Denise Richards and Thomas Jane. Unfortunately, every actor involved gives the worst performance of their career, including Copeland. Whether the wrestler's character is fighting for his life or bonding with his daughter, he always has the same vacant facial expression as if he's trying to figure out how to get out of the movie.

One of the most unintentionally hilarious moments is when an actor cannot pronounce the word "concierge" properly even though his character IS the concierge! It's also obvious the film had a shoestring budget since the green-screen is blatant and the sets look like they were designed for a children's play.


James Egan has been with Whatculture for five years and prominently works on Horror, Film, and Video Games. He's written over 80 books including 1000 Facts about Horror Movies Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about The Greatest Films Ever Made Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Video Games Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts About James Bond 1000 Facts About TV Shows