10 Awful Teen Comedies That Are Actually Hilarious

1. What A Girl Wants

What A Girl Wants
Warner Bros.

This is peak Amanda Bynes. She plays Daphne, a young girl living in America who has always dreamed of meeting her British father played by the one and only Colin Firth. She flees the country to meet her father, who is in the middle of his run to eventually become Prime Minister.

Is this film predictable? Yes. Is this film cliche? Yes. Is this film charming as hell? Absolutely. You can't watch this film without having a smile on your face throughout most of the runtime. And that's not because of crude toilet humour or cynical characters, it's because it's silly as silly can be. The plot makes little to no sense, character decisions are insane and of course Amanda Bynes is perfect for this kind of role.

There are a couple of questionable things in the film for sure, especially one scene involving a mixed raced love interest. An Etonian type boy attempts to gain Daphne's affections by saying "Forget about the mixed raced mongrel and come hang out with me". Of course he gets what he deserves eventually. But because the rest of the film is so light hearted and inoffensive, this scene of random racism is even more surreal and mind boggling than it would otherwise have been.

If you're looking to lose yourself for 90 minutes of sappy, inconsistent, lighthearted pure charm, then look no further than What A Girl Wants.

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Marlon Loria hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.