10 Awful Teen Comedies That Are Actually Hilarious

2. Stick It

What A Girl Wants
Buena Vista Pictures

This film is awful. But it's also entertaining as hell. It focuses on a rebellious teen who is forced back into gymnastics in order to pay restitution for some property damage she has caused. Jeff Bridges plays her hard headed, over the top coach who constantly pushes for the best out of his athletes. Strangely enough for this genre, it has a lot of genuine heart and humour and ends up being actually subversive by the time it's over.

Most of the characters are one dimensional but each get their moment in the spotlight with some unforgettable one liners, and the message of breaking the mould and solidarity is actually a noble one. Also it's refreshing to see that a film centred around female gymnasts makes no attempt whatsoever to sexualise the sport, maintaining the respect that it demands.

It's campy as campy can be, it's unfocused and it's cliche in some aspects. But you can overlook that because of the absurd nature of the plot and the light hearted nature to a lot of the conflicts in the film. Even the stereotypically mean girl antagonist ends up being a likeable character by the end.

Stick it is easy to watch, heartwarming and uplifting. If you can easily look past cliche sports montages and petty teenage quibbles, then you'll have a blast with this film.

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